The Nintendo Wii has made countless medical breakthroughs in the past few years. People who have suffered from Alzheimer's, Parkinson, strokes, and other physical injures have been paying miniature fortunes to stay in hospital and doing exercises and activities that make them exhausted and frail.
The nurses and therapists say that they have never experienced a ward that is so happy and rejuvenated. They said the patients are thrilled to play sports that they never thought they could play again even if it is just a virtual reality. The therapists said "If you get them to want to do it, they will." Once introduced into the health system doctors recommend the Nintendo Wii in all of the households with people older than 70 or people with any type of injury and that they should interact with others, as it will help with memory and it will help prevent Alzheimer's and Parkinson disease taking over their life.
This new form of treatment is now being introduced into Old age homes across the world.
Posted by WhyOranges?
While reading your post I remember my grandparents. they love to move and this might be a good recommendation for them.
yes, I personally find that its not the right toy for me, but there's no doubt it is fun for a while. In terms of grannies, I think it would serve as an accurate long term treatment. It's atleast worth trying :)
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