Although kitesurfing is a relatively new sport (only really saw a boom in the south African economy around 2 years ago) the amount of people that have caught on obviously suggests that it is not only highly enjoyable but also has other benefits such as muscle building and the decrease in risk of heart problems.
In the short time period that I have been Kitesurfing I have seen many people above the age of 60 going out into the water for a 2 hour session.
Although this seems highly unlikely, the art of true kitesurfing is not the high jumps or elaborate tricks that most people affiliated with Kitesurfing, but more the smooth passage of your body been easily pulled across the water.
There are many forms of Kitesurfing, including doing tricks, riding the waves or just gliding over the water.
Kitesurfing is a relatively expensive sport to start (Full kit costing an average of R16 000 zar) but once all the equipment is bought you are free to go out and enjoy yourself any time that you want. The only thing that limits you will be your partner and the wind.
Kitesurfing is so addictive that a few people have rather left their spouses than give up their Kiting.
There is only one main problem with Kitesurfing, and that is that while you are in the water it is very difficult to tell how long you have been in for. My average session is about 6 hours, and everytime I get out of the water I am suprised at how long I have been in for. Therefore it is recommendable that a watch is worn while kitesurfing. Also never tell your partner that you will be home at a certain time, rather say that you will be home as soon as you can.
I have done many things including Bunjy Jumping and in my opinion I have never experienced an adrenaline rush that can be compared to when I am kitesurfing.
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